Wealth Management

Voted #6 on Top 100 Family Business influencer on Wealth, Legacy, Finance and Investments: Jacoline Loewen My Amazon Authors' page Twitter:@ jacolineloewen Linkedin: Jacoline Loewen Profile

November 28, 2012

When you are approached by a sales person, do their questions actually irritate you? Do questions move the needle towards you buying their product or service? Emotions are a bad word in business probably because men are not comfortable in letting down their guard. Getting men in business to imagine their business with your products or services can be achieved by using stories. Consulting firms call their stories "case studies".Here is a great article on using stories.

During years, I have been taught that art of selling had a lot to do with the ability to ask intelligent questions, and then to present one's offer in the context of the answers provided by your counterpart.
However, with hindsight, when I look back at my most significant sales - or at least those I am the most proud of - 3 spring to my mind. And I have to recognize that what they have in common has little to do with my ability to ask "intelligent questions". These transactions shares a common characteristic, though: they were all generated via a story loaded with emotion.
  • More than 20 years ago, as I was working as a sales executive with a computer manufacturer, one of my customers was a large insurance company. One day, as a bold move, I decided to call the CEO of the company and I provided him with some evidence that, without a fast move from his company in terms of increasing their IT processing power, they might find themselves confronted with difficulties during their beginning-of-the-year premium collection process. 3 weeks later, I was signing a $6m transaction with this insurance company.
  • About fifteen years ago, I experienced a situation with a business intelligence (BI)project manager with a mobile phone operator who wanted to equip his sales people with customer intelligence capabilities on their laptopsAfter a few words, it appeared clear to me that this project manager had a competitive technology in mind and that the only thing he wanted from me was just a low price, which he could leverage to make his preferred vendor drop his own price. In a state of desperation, I decided to tell the project manager the horror story of another mobile telephone operator who had launched a similar initiative, and who had experienced a resounding failure. WhySimply because the sales executives had not made the effort to use the new capabilities. Too far from their good old habits. Too much disruption. After telling this story, and presenting some elements that he might consider to avoid falling in the same trap, my counterpart revisited the specs of his project, and eventually made the decision to buy... from me.

Are you misinterpreting the CFO?

It is unlikely that companies would deliberately be reluctant to consider new ideas that would save millions of dollars. However, what might be misinterpreted as reluctance, is that some organisations may find it more challenging than others to take ideas from the drawing table and translate them into reality.

Being organisationally effective at considering, adopting and implementing new ideas requires people to have the skills to change their behaviours to an appropriate extent and at an appropriate speed to be able to work with new ideas.

Some organisations are good at equipping people with such skill sets enabling them comfortably experiment with new ideas, and find ways to integrate them into the activities that drive the bottom line. However, it’s not just about equipping people with these skill sets but also about providing an environment where people are given a certain percentage of their working week as ‘time out,’ to reflect, experiment, and look for applications for new ideas.

Jacoline Loewen   See Jacoline on BNN, The Pitch  Author of Money Magnet Director, Crosbie Co.
Crosbie & Co.
150 King Street West
Toronto, ON
M5H 1J9
416 362 7726

November 27, 2012

Is Health and Wellness a cost?

Is Health and Wellness a benefit or a cost? Why would a CFO in a larger, employee heavy firm, not take a look at implementing a Health and Wellness program?

It is easier to get fired for doing something that went wrong or that someone found objectionable than it is to get fired for maintaining the status quo.

For example, in the corporate health and wellness industry, there is decades of evidence that positive ROI can be created with a solid wellness program. (And of course a poorly run wellness program can cost hundreds of thousands.) 

With health insurance costs skyrocketing it often amazes me when I see not fund a proper wellness program and go with "free" health fairs that are designed and run by medical doctors who simply use the corporate event to fill their out-of-network medical practice with patients.

It is management's responsibility to maximize the value of the organization but, despite all of the evidence that corporate wellness programs work, the average CFO still refuses to fund a professional program.  Their Human Resources or Benefits department struggle.

Jacoline Loewen   See Jacoline on BNN, The Pitch  Author of Money Magnet Director, Crosbie Co.
Crosbie & Co.
150 King Street West
Toronto, ON
M5H 1J9
416 362 7726

November 21, 2012

Why do cost saving ideas not get done?

The degree to which companies are having to cut spending and budget expectation is directly proportionate to the degree of cost saving ideas that have been implemented. 
Gary Hamel startled me in his book, Leading the Revolution, many years ago when he pointed out the top line of ROI and the bottom line.
CFOs are risk adverse by the nature of their characters. Ideas push up their blood pressure. Why take a risk?
Let's keep cutting costs because I can cope with revenue payments but not with a new project face plant.
Of course, wisdom indicates that no one will save themselves to prosperity. But is does turn an umbrella into a shelter.

November 20, 2012

Are CFOs using "Cost" as a reason not to start new projects?

I believe that cost is a major factor why companies are reluctant to consider new ideas right now.
Implementing new ideas can have significant upfront costs, while the savings and returns are usually only realized in the long term.
Companies are cutting costs and budgets due to the current economic climate, and this has a direct impact on what money is available for innovation and new projects.
Are costs holding back business growth this next quarter?

Jacoline Loewen See Jacoline on BNN, The Pitch Author of Money Magnet
Director, Crosbie Co.
Crosbie Co.

150 King Street West
Toronto, ON
M5H 1J9
416 362 7726
