Revealed in Connected is that our social networks drive and shape our lives. You are impacted daily by the people around you.
Nick Christakis writes about how much money you make and even if you vote is all determined by your social network.
We are like flocks of birds or schools of fish making subtle changes from those around us. Unconsciously, we are led by those around us which is why you do want to join that expensive business club, or get the best university degree and go to the alumni events as much as possible or set up a meeting with someone who is far ahead of you.
I wrote in my book, The Power of Strategy, that if you hang around with the same golf buddies only, that you will not move beyond them. This book is a good read that confirmed to me the power of business clubs, university alumni events and conferences. Pick your networks and those with whom you share social networks. Make sure at least 20% of those people scare the heck out of you. Do one monthly event where you are uncomfortable. Change up your social group to get different life results.
Thank you to Rick Belcastro of EFG Canada. Rick is a wealth management specialist and is one of those people who knows how to network and socialize very well.