Everyone lies
"Some people will lie to you because they mean to. Others will do it to tell you what you want to hear. Either way, test everything you are told. If someone tells you they are going to invest, get a date. And if the date passes, make sure your spider senses are tingling. If a client tells you he is giving you the order, ask him if it is in procurement yet; if not, then ask him if he minds if you call the purchaser yourself. Test what people tell you. They don't always mean to lie to you, but they do lies," says Robert Herjavec.
Robert is very fair in revealing this basic human need to be liked when face to face. Knowing this given when dealing with people, you can prepare strategies to move the sale forward. It reminds me of a negotiation course I did which taught me no matter what the first offer is, no matter how reasonable, act horrified, make a lot of noise and bring out your inner freak - out. I was returning a leased car and used this technique and was amazed when using strategies brought the final invoice down from a thousand to zero. That's right - zero. Planning your communication techniques works.
Read more in Money Magnet by J B Loewen
Read more in Money Magnet by J B Loewen