Wealth Management

Voted #6 on Top 100 Family Business influencer on Wealth, Legacy, Finance and Investments: Jacoline Loewen My Amazon Authors' page Twitter:@ jacolineloewen Linkedin: Jacoline Loewen Profile

May 12, 2009

6 Reasons to Read Money Magnet: Attracting Investors to Your Business

I just finished reading Money Magnet. Thank you for writing/recommending it! The information you shared will save me a lot of time instead of reinventing the wheel. I like reading materials from people like you who can share specific industry insight (eg. when you described what VC Rick wants to see in slides). Some of my key takeaways include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Targeting qualified investors based on their mathematical fit and specifically asking them to clarify their full criteria

  2. How to be investor ready/the legacy investor concept.

  3. An investors’ protection/clauses (ensuring that I negotiate unnecessary ones).

  4. Knowing common pitfalls/key criteria investors like

  5. Ensuring that I answer the 4 investor-ready questions and

  6. Investor-friendly methods of structuring a presentation

1 comment:

Michael said...

My copy is ear-marked just about everywhere - two points that I think are key are the illustrations that send a strong message and graphically depict the relationship between key points in any venture & the people / team side of Private Equity.

The seventh reason to read Money Magnet - it's a good read. Provides great insight in a great package.
