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Voted #6 on Top 100 Family Business influencer on Wealth, Legacy, Finance and Investments: Jacoline Loewen My Amazon Authors' page Twitter:@ jacolineloewen Linkedin: Jacoline Loewen Profile
Showing posts with label Kouzes Posner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kouzes Posner. Show all posts

December 13, 2010

5 Leadership commitments to make today

This list reminds me of Deming, the father of TQM, and his 14 point plan for top quality companies. The 5 Practices of Leadership come from a highly recommended book written by Kouzes and Posner. They identify what they call "five leadership practices common to successful leaders".
Kouzes and Posner go on to suggest ten practical "behavioral commitments" among those leaders studied. I liked the reminder and I know this will inspire you once you see that you are probably trying to do them already.
Here they are:

1 Practice: Challenge the process 

(1) Search for opportunities and 
(2) Experiment and take risks

Practice: Inspire a shared vision

(3) Envision the future and 
(4) Enlist others

Practice: Enable others to act

(5) Foster collaboration and 
(6) Strengthen others

Practice: Model the way to the desired objectives

(7) Set the example and 
(8) Plan small wins

Practice: Encourage the heart of everyone involved

(9) Recognize individual contribution and 
(10) Celebrate accomplishments