"Why the heck did they not know?" is a common question at economic presentations these days. Today's guest blogger, Michael Graham, elaborates.
Recently, the Queen pointedly asked the brains of my alma mater, the
Those free-market champions Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher would certainly not approve of the bailouts, relief packages, loan guarantees and diverse other rescue measures provided financial institutions and auto manufacturers judged too big to be allowed to fail. The very successful “cash for clunkers” incentive only adds to what one critic has expressively likened to a bewildering alphabet soup.In the case of the
No doubt, government intervention on today’s scale must make it harder to keep participants in disciplinary line. As a result, daunting economic risks stand to become all the greater. Nevertheless, to quote Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman &
There could be offsetting comfort in comedian Will Rogers’ homily that “the good thing about government is that we don’t get what we pay for”. But, like it or not, we have entered a prolonged government-private sector partnership of unknown consequences on a scale few would have ever imagined. It must be remembered, that government spending cannot prop up wounded economies indefinitely. Nor can pump-priming fiscal deficits be recipes for sustainable economic growth. Rising government debt also inhibits fiscal and central bank manoeuvrability. A trio like this can bring only short-term stimulus at best.
Web: grahamis.ca
Email: Michael@grahamis.ca