Why are the big AHAs of entrepreneurs who kept it going so meaningful? When this recession hit like Hurrican Katrina, we all need voices ahead of us to keep us going. Here is a great list of 5 quotes by Om Malik.
As an entrepreneur, one gets to get too preoccupied with the tactical stuff on a daily basis. So much so that we miss the big picture. In many ways, that is the single biggest mistake we make. When thinking about the big picture, we need to remember a few things. Here is a short list of some of the words of wisdom that have been helpful to me in the recent few weeks.
- “I don’t think about my business so much in quarters or in numbers that way. I think about getting the product right.” Designer/Founder, Eileen Fisher
- “The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.” Jim Barksdale, CEO, Netscape.
- “What you start your business to be, and what it becomes, are almost never the same thing”Danny Shader, Founder & CEO PayNearMe. Ex-CEO Good Technology and Accept.com
- “You can be what you want to be or, you can be what you are expected to be.” Mad Men, Season 4.
- “Don’t be self conscious about being an entrepreneur.” Tim Westergren, founder Pandora